SFCI Founder

Abraham Sekhar
Abraham SekharDr., Bishop, Founder SFCI

Abraham Sekhar was born in a remote village in South India and had his school education in a public school. He was born to a Christian family and his upbringing was Godly by his parents. He accepted the Lord as His personal savior at the age of 16,and at 17 he was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit and he received the lifetime promise and direction from God from Jeremiah 1:8-10 at the age 19. He worked among the youth till 23 and the responsibility of becoming the pastor of a church fell upon his shoulders at 23. Lord taught him the church growth principle in the year 1989 and then in the midst of many challenges and steps of faith and risks, sacrificing self, family and other comforts, he has traveled to 13 states of India and was instrumental in initiating and establishing over 800 churches, inclusive of house churches and village churches. Harvest of souls would have been about 100,000. Each initiation is a testimony in itself. In 1995 he went thru a severe testing in his life and God resurrected him in his ministry within three months. Several independent churches came under his and his wife’s oversight and by year 2000 he and his wife were overseeing about 1200 independent pastors and leaders and were mentoring them. In 2005 Dr. Abraham Sekhar with his wife were appointed to be national directors for healing rooms ministries and have trained over 6000 and implemented healing ministry in over 3000 church leaders and pastors within next 7 years. Also in 2006, Abraham had an inspirational verbal encounter for 22 hours with God clearly speaking to him to prepare a platform for the coming Rule of the Lord..King Jesus The messages preached by him after this encounter is mostly on ‘LET HIS KINGDOM COME’ BETWEEN 2006 AND 2013 the Lord has taken them beyond their national border to neighboring countries as the fulfillment of the lifetime promise in Jeremiah chapter 1.. In 2012-13 God also spoke to them to recognize THE SHIFT that’s happening in the Body of Christ Globally and spread that vision everywhere. The Shift is the move of the Holy Spirit in transforming the Body of Christ to move into realms of ministering with signs and wonders to bring in many believers and followers into His Kingdom and thus proclaim and practice the truth LET HIS KINGDOM BE UPON THE EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. He was inspired in 2012 to be of a voice to the nations of the world and thus with the team members he has gone ahead incorporating the GLOBAL APOSTOLIC TRANSFORMATION MISSIONS to recognize the fivefold ministers of God and support them to be released into their calling. He has a Masters degree in engineering from IIT Powai one of the globally recognized five famous institutes in India and his wife Sheila is a medical doctor supporting him in His ministries. His main concentration is to have His righteous rule as a model through various missions and be of voice to the rest of the world.