Project Peace for India(PPI)

Total Population in Millions
Rural Population in Millions
Urban Population in Millions
Estimated Number of Villages
1 Uttar Pradesh 202 160 42 108000
2 Maharashtra 115 64 51 44100
3 Bihar 105 95 10 42000
4 West Bengal 92 62 30 42000
5 Madhya Pradesh 74 54 20 56400
6 Tamil Nadu 72 37 35 16400
7 Rajasthan 69 52 17 41000
8 Karnataka 62 37 25 31000
9 Gujarat 61 34 27 19000
10 Andhra Pradesh 50 24 26 19000
11 Odisha 43 34 9 52000
12 Telengana 36 21 15 11000
13 Kerala 34 17 17 1360
14 Jharkand 33 26 7 33000
15 Assam 32 26 6 26400
16 Punjab 28 17 11 12900
17 Chattisgarh 26 19 7 21500
18 Haryana 26 16 10 7100
19 Jammu and Kashmir 13 9 4 6805
20 Uttarakhand 11 7 4 16800
21 Himachal Pradesh 7 6 1 19400
22 Tripura 4 3 1 880
23 Meghalaya 3 2.5 0.5 6100
24 Manipur 2.8 1.8 1 2410
25 Nagaland 2 1.5 5 1505
26 Goa 1.5 0.5 1 361
27 Arunachal Pradesh 1.4 1 0.4 4100
28 Mizoram 1 0.5 0.5 820
29 Sikkim 6 4.5 1.5 460
30 NCT-Delhi 17 0.4 16.6 190
31 UT-P0ndicherry 1.2 0.3 0.9 95
32 UT-Chandigarh 1.05 0.03 1.02 25
33 UT-Andaman Nicobar 0.4 0.2 0.2 550
34 UT-dadra and Nagerhaveli 0.35 0.19 0.16 70
35 UT-Daman Diu 0.25 0.06 0.19 25
36 UT-Lakshadeep 0.065 0.015 0.05 22
 TOTAL  1233.015

India has in all 644778 villages.
India’s total population 1233 million.
Urban population is 399 million.
So rural population is 834 million

So 67% of Indian population lives in rural area out of which 65% of them are literate. It is estimated that about 150000 villages have all the facilities and infrastructure amenities.So we are to survey and educate about 500000 villages.
It is also reported that only 47.5 % of the roads only are paved. So we can imagine how a major number of villages are not connected with proper road.
It is reported that one primary health centre for every 100 villages. There may be a full time medical officer, or some locations have no full time medical officer.

We pray to God almighty to enable those who have to come forward and give to those who do not have.

‘Every Indian citizen has the right to have access to enjoy three meals a day, enough clothing, place to live, education, healthcare and freedom to practice his/her faith for a social, spiritual and moral life’-chairman, Global Human Rights Concerns

Since Independence, for the past six decades, we have gone through various transformations in this country and we still have to see that all our villages are approachable with proper roads, have electricity, school, and public healthcare facility, place of worship to practice one’s faith in order to have a peaceful living with social, moral and spiritual life.

Rich become richer and poor becomes poorer. Farmer’s fate in the recent past has shown this in many states. Mafias take advantage of the situation and we call it terrorism.

Our villagers may be able to have a mobile in their hands and speak to the whole world but they cannot go to his village by a vehicle (eg. Jharkand, Odisha). Residents do not have medical facility. Village children cannot go to school due to various reasons and hence illiteracy still prevails in many parts of India (33%). No security and no law and order due to no police outpost in rural India.

In the absence of the above, rural India still lives in the same style of old civilization whereas we boast of our cities transforming in par with the western world. Due to the negligence of the politicians ruling the country and lack of development of infrastructure are the root causes

According to reports, 7.5 million Indians, many of them children, are kept as slaves. The youngest victims of the sex industry are held in box cages inside pitch-black secret rooms. Young girls, daubed in make-up by their captors, have no means of escape from pedophiles who prowl by night. Their conditions resemble those of chickens being factory farmed. Every community in India has heartbreaking stories of abuse of the worst kind, terrible sickness, and dire poverty.

Alleviating this suffering requires a comprehensive solution. Half measures will not work.

Project Peace for India prepared to implement a multifaceted program to bring life and peace to communities everywhere in India. Its intelligent, thoughtful strategies will bring transformation to the whole of India and put an end to the poverty, crime, and misery that permeates the lives of so many precious children.

As a priority to first conduct a physical survey of all the villages by sending two by two in motorbikes into all the rural areas and identify the villages and verify the amenities and infrastructures availability in order to bring in such a movement that the ruling government will focus their attention to uplift the rural India.

Every citizen should have the basic necessities catered to his day to day living.

A survey form is made available to the volunteers going by their own motorbikes; they will bring in the actual report.

Phase I


Phase 1 will start January 1st, 2015 and with 120 teams of two volunteers each will travel on motorcycles by road from village to village initially in the state of TAMIL NADU for 6 months. They will collect data using Smartphone’s and periodically upload results to a data warehouse. The surveyors will rest one day per week and spend an additional day per week maintaining their motorcycles and refilling provisions. A support staff will provide coordination and logistical support. Volunteers are chosen on the basis of commitment, passion, availability, fitness, and skills. In particular, medical skills are desired so that the church can quickly gain trust with the villages they serve.

Project Peace for India needs people with certain key skills, as follows:

  • Smartphone application software programmer to build and maintain the app that will send and receive data.
  • Database designers and administrators to build and maintain the database of information received.
  • An agricultural engineer to supervise collection of data on the quality of soils, irrigation, and crops encountered by survey teams in the villages they visit.
  • A doctor to supervise medical staff on the survey teams who also supervises collection of data on symptoms, injuries, and diseases encountered by the survey teams, and who can advise field workers on treatment protocols.
  • A Geographic Information System (GIS) engineer who can build geographic computational infrastructure for Project Peace for India’s geographic database needs.
  • A GIS technician who identifies village locations within a database and advises surveyors on the most effective routes to visit the most number of villages during the time allotted.
  • Nurses and medical technicians to serve as part of the survey teams.
  • Motorcycle repair technicians who can build the motorcycle vehicle fleet and advise teams on motorcycle repair.
    An outstanding manager to superintend this effort on a day-to-day basis.

Resources required

One time investments:

Cost of motorcycles Rs 70000 each

Cell phones and other necessities Rs 10000 each

Reserve fund Rs 50000 per team

Recurring costs:

Petrol at 300 litres per month Rs 22500 per month

Food and water Rs 7500 per month

Incidental, maintenance, personal Rs 4000 per month

Phase II

Another leader had said if an individual does not have education he does not have any wealth.

Education enlightens an individual to so many truths about life, otherwise he lives a life just like an animal..Lack of education has kept the person in the same style and level of living for the past several centuries. No transformation.

Grandparents have had no education, present parents did not have education and so are the present children.

They do not know their own rights.

So the second step is to take education program into the villages. A balwadi or an adult education program will be started by sending a volunteer to go and live in a particular village.

Moral and spiritual education based on holy book will be given. Basic healthcare lessons will be taught.

Will make provisions to get further education to know their rights and teach them the access to receive what government has approved for them and how middlemen eat away all their provisions.

True spirituality will enable every individual to become good.

Poverty should be completely lifted up. Women too need education.

India will be truly a super power if and when the whole India is developed.