Spiritual Healing

We have seen that Man is a tripartite being — consisting of Body/Soul/Spirit. The Body gets sick due to hurts, infections, sinful acts and many other reasons. The Body needs healing and that is called Physical Healing – Healing for the Body. This can be permanent or temporary.

Some sicknesses repeatedly come into the Body some sicknesses receive healing that’s permanent. Some sicknesses lead to chronic suffering and some to death.

Physical healing is for the body and it can be thru’ medicine, treatment, rest, diet changes and divine. Divine healing is from God and it’s a miracle and supernatural.

The Soul gets sick due to various evil influences. The Mind gets sick, Emotions get affected and the Will gets weaker or stronger depending upon the influence of the source. Depression, obsession, inner hurts and other manifestations like anger, jealousy, criticism and many more are the sicknesses of soul. Healing to this soul area can be brought

thru’ intellectual counseling, psychological counseling, prayers made to God to affect these areas of emotions and mind. This healing too can be permanent or temporary. lt’s permanent if God touches that part of man, which was affected due to various happenings ir1 his life. It is possible if these happenings had not penetrated too much into his spirit, like the loss of a friend or accidents, which did not bring in deep trauma etc.

It’s temporary if counseling & prayer had just touched the surface of man’s emotions, mind or will, focusing on the symptoms rather than the cause. What is supposed to bring about the healing is a change of atmosphere, surroundings and people or the person is advised better concentration on the job and/ or family life or advised to replace an addiction with something else that is more acceptable but equally addicting.

The shift-is the move of the Holy Spirit with healing, signs and wonders in this twenty first century prior to His return.

Spiritual Healing is the direct healing touch of the Spirit of God within man‘s spirit to release his spirit to function and come into a place of communion with God. The Holy Spirit drives out the evil influences (demons), which have brought in deep significant hurts and sickness in his spirit and then the healing takes place. This spiritual healing is spontaneous in some cases and is in slow or speedy progress in other cases. Once man receives healing in his spirit it can start to influence his soul that means healing in the areas of mind, emotions and will. Subsequently, this spiritual healing wills influence those parts of the body, which are affected by the hurts from the inner being of the person. Continuous communion with the Holy Spirit will lead to deliverance in the life of the person and he will become normal and will grow to be a Spirit filled Spirit led person.

Healing starting from the spirit of man and going into influencing his soul and body is most effective, godly and brings in transformation in him. This can be permanent when he continues Walking with God. It will be permanent as the Word of God says, “one who is set free by the Son of man is free indeed”. Healing that is necessary for mind, will and emotions is to be received from inside of man, from his spirit through the influence of the Holy Spirit and the changes that result can bring about all the things mentioned earlier as merely surface changes.

The spirit of Man is as good as dead if he does not know the true and only God. Thru the evil influence (evil spirits which are demons) man’s spirit does ‘not have freedom to function. Communion (communication) with God’s spirit is cut off. Man is also a spirit being (Refer our Article I on Spiritual Healing) and he is created and meant to have communication with God always. This was lost due to Adam’s sin and subsequently through the sins of our forefathers and our self before knowing God as personal Saviour.

This dead nature (dumb condition of the spirit of man) has to be quickened at first for which man has to willingly invite Jesus (and Holy Spirit) to come into his life. And He has promised to come in if we call on Him. That’s receiving Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit baptism (infilling) is promised to everyone in the last days and He comes to dwell in. Every man is to be born of the Spirit and of water (word that declares this truth) and he can enter into experiencing the Kingdom of Life. This is the starting point.