Vision & Statement of Faith
In the existence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Godhead. The doctrine of the trinity declares the existence of three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Godhead. They are three persons. They are one. They are united. They are three aspects of the Godhead. They will and purpose the same. Father God is the Owner of everything in Heaven and Earth. The Son fulfilled the purpose of God for the redemption of mankind. Father has given all power and authority and put everything in subjection to the Son. Jesus is our intercessor, standing in the gap between Father God and us.
Christ’s righteousness has become ours once we accept and receive Him in our lives. The Holy Spirit is sent into the world to dwell in our lives. He is our Comforter, Guide and Teacher. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, as a guarantor for the final redemption day. He gives mine gifts. He works thru’ us to Fulfill the call and purpose of God for our lives. He is with us in our warfare against the forces of darkness. He is the One who witnesses in us whenever we approach God giving in us the confidence that He is our Father.
In the Word of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit and written without any fallible documentation and have a willingness to accept what is revealed and is willing not to create controversies over what is not yet revealed.
The Word of God is the inspired and written record of God’s doings on the face of the earth. lt’s complete in itself. The revelations of the Word of God are enough for our living. We have the final answer to all our issues and problems in the Word. Our final authority and counsel is the Word of God.
The revelation of God and the God head are in the Word. It covers all subjects. It talks about the past, present and future. It talks about Satan and his ways. The Word of God reveals the truth about Jesus and God’s redemption plan for mankind. It has life to stir the spirit of man and get renewed in his relationship with God. Belief in the Word brings in healing for the whole being of the person. Daily reading and meditation of the Word of God is like food for the spiritual man.
In redemption through the Blood of Christ and Salvation by believing in Him and repenting from all sins and confessing them for forgiveness and cleansing, reconciling/restoring all broken relationships and having the assurance of Salvation.
Man is a sinner. Only one life is given to him to live on earth. He needs forgiveness for sins, so that his soul does not go to hell. Forgiveness of sins is received when confession of sins is made in agreement with the way God looks at sin. Only Jesus’ Blood can cleanse the sins of man. He is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. He died for us on the cross. He shed His Blood for our forgiveness once for all. There is no other name on the face of earth except the Name of Jesus through which man can be saved. Everyone has to believe and receive Jesus to get authority to be called a child of God — repent from all sins — confess to Him. He is faithful to forgive all our sins. Then get reconciled with everyone with whom relationship is broken. Pay back what is wrongly taken. Be at peace with all men. Commit yourself to live a holy life, having the assurance of Salvation, knowing you are justified in Christ.
In baptism in water, – only after receiving the experience of salvation, as the initiation into the kingdom of God.
Obey the Lord in water baptism in accord with the Word of God, identifying with the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Be willing to acknowledge we are dead to sin, to the world and prepare to live with Him in the victory He has obtained on the cross.
In receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
Receive the promise of the infilling of the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of what is said in Joel 2 and seen in Acts 2, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This promise is for everyone, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, man or woman, master or servant, slave or free, to everyone — even to children. Speaking in tongues is for self-edification, for speaking mysteries with God, praying to God when we do not know how to pray, an extra provision which was lacking in the Old Testament and is a privilege received by New Testament Christians in order to have close communication with God. The Spirit helps us to hear the voice of the Lord telling us which way to go. One or more gifis of the Spirit are received along with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We are enabled to sing, worship and understand the meaning of the Word of God. To be a Spirit-led person we need to be a Spirit filled person. To enter into experiencing God’s Kingdom, we are to be born of the Spirit. We are to be led by the Spirit. All those who are born of God is to be led by the Spirit.
In the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for all in these last days, divine healing is possible for the physical body (although some cases may need medical attention, with no doctrine against usage of medicine).
All the gifts of the Spirit are for these days, all the five fold ministries are for the Church and the Lord speaks through visions, dreams and prophecies (not contradicting the Word of God).
Believe that the Holy Spirit is being poured upon all flesh and encourage every new believer to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The church is yet to witness an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit.
That man is a tripartite being (Body, Soul & Spirit) and God Himself is working in cleansing it to become whole so that the members of His Body are prepared for His Second Coming.
The detailed explanation of these truths is given in the articles on Spiritual
Healing l A and I B.
That the Lord Jesus will return for His Bride (time and manner are not specified and our focus is on preparing for the new move and not for making any doctrinal speculations).
1 Thess.5:23 is a key scripture and there needs to be no doubt regarding the fact that the Lord will return for a cleansed and spotless bride. The 2 main reasons for the Lord delaying His coming is in order to complete His work in the church and in the nation of Israel. There are many prophecies that are yet to be filfilled. The Lord only reveals the exact manner of fulfillment before hand to those who are called to pray in the fulfillment. To the rest of the church the revelation will be given while or alter it is fulfilled. So let us not make any doctrinal speculations and try to thrust it on others or judge those whose understanding of the scriptures is different from our own.
In Matt.2, Herod’s wise men get to the place of Jesus’ birth correct, but the time of his birth wrong, because their motives were wrong.
In Lk 24:44 and In 1216, we see that understanding came to the disciples only after the events spoken of in prophecy had transpired.
In Spirit—led worship in their services and manifestations and expressions of the body of members as per the Word of God alone and not beyond.
Spirit- led worship.
Key Verse: John 4:24. “God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
‘In spirit’ — our worship unto God has to be from our spirit. We can commune with God only from our (human) spirit. Our understanding, will, emotions and bodily expressions are the outward working of our inner being. We are to be Spirit filled, the Holy Spirit has to inspire our spirits to look to God and commune with Him. Jesus is present with us and as wonderfully expressed in Heb.2:l2 leads and participate in our worship. “I will declare your name to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to you.” The revelation of Jesus being a part of our worship will transform our whole attitude, from just taking part in good singing led by musically talented men, into seeing Jesus as revealed by the Holy Spirit, leading us into the presence of the Holy God to bow before Him in adoration and to bless His holy name.
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? . . . He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” Ps.2-1:3,-1. (We will see more on holiness in the coming issues, in a call to repentance).
In truth — our worship to God has to be with a total understanding of Jesus who is the truth that the Word of God presents. Holiness is only possible through the cleansing of His precious blood. As a royal priesthood (lPet.2:9) we are anointed by the Holy Spirit and clothed in garments of righteousness in order that we may “proclaim the praises of Him who called us… ..
That the lives of people are to be set free and they do not have to continue to live under bondage to sinful habits of the body or under satanic or psychological oppression in the soul affecting the spirit. The lives of the members of the church are to be set free from bandages of sin and Satan.
We are concentrating on this aspect of the teaching in every issue under the heading, “Spiritual Healing”. It is very important that you read all these articles and understand what it means to be ‘set free’. The charismatic churches in general seem to have lost the foundation of these truths, resulting in a shallow Christian walk. They seem to think that the activities in which the members are involved are enough to lead a spirit filled, spirit led life. In various ways Satan has come in unawares bringing bondages in to the lives of members. The leader are happy to concentrate on more programs oriented towards numerical growth through the promise of physical healing and prosperity, position and authority etc. and the life of the individual believer is thereby neglected. Some of these believers stay back in the hope of receiving these “blessings” and the rest either full away or go out in search of truth and freedom. It is to those who have recognized their need that we specially address these articles. As we share with you out of the truths of God’s Word let us see whether we have truly come out of bondage to sinful habits of the body and satanic/psychological oppression of the soul and come in to freedom in our spirit to commune with God. .
In the power of God manifested in a supernatural way in all the areas of the lives of individuals and for the Church together. Glory of God seen in the Body and not the glory of man or a leader with charisma. Kingdom life principles are practiced and not man made traditions, terms and conditions inside the congregations.
- In righteousness, mercy and truth practiced.
- In no abuse of money and power (authority) with selfish motives.
- In brotherly love in freedom and the Church of God built on a Personal relationship with the Lord as the Head and with one another as a living body and not as a structure or part of a larger structure. True shepherds, fathers and mothers in the congregation to provide care.
- In not getting aligned with any of the systems of the One World movement.
- In not becoming a part of any unity movement by man but by the Holy Spirit. This will be possible as people learn to pray with and for one another starting in a prayer movement and will spread out in the future to the purified relationships between the leaders of different churches.
- In victory experienced through spiritual warfare.
- In priorities set right in the individual’s life of both leaders and members as well as collectively in the church life.
- In the Love of God visibly expressed and experienced by the members.
- In praying for the nation of Israel and God’s present move among the Jews and challenging the church to face up to its responsibility to relate rightly to the “olive tree”.
In short, the world and everyone on the face of the earth will see JESUS as the Head of the Church and not any man or organization. Anything falling short of this Glory, which belongs to JESUS, is not the spirit filled and spirit led church of the last day move of God.